Analogy means 'similarity'.Analogy questions ask you to determine the relationship between a pair of words and then to recognize a similar or parallel relationship between a different pair of words or letters. It tests the ability of a candidate to determine relationships exiting between pair of words. The relation may center a round synonyms,antonyms,cause and effect or other areas.Solving questions based on analogy requires not only enriched vocabulary but also an idea about different phenomena,relationship among human being,causes and their effects and so on.Sufficient practice will definitely enable the candidate to achieve mastery in this section.Keeping various questions asked in different examinations in mind, we divide this chapter into Type-I, Type-II and Type-III.Type-I:
In this type of questions,there is certain relation between two given words on one side of :: and one word is given on another side of :: while another word is to be found from the given alternatives,having the same relation with this word as the words of the given pair bear.I. Animal and their children relationship:
EX.1: Loin : Cub :: Deer :........Here Cub is the young one of a lion.
Similarly Fawn is the young one of a Deer.
Ex.2:Swan : Cygnet :: Hare :............
Here Cygnet is the litter of a Swan.
Similarly levered is the litter of a hare.
II.Study and Terminology:
EX.1: Nephrology : Kidney ::..... : SoilStudy of a kidney in medical science is called Nephrology.
Similarly study of a soil is called Pedology.
Ex.2: Semantics : Language :: ..... : Plants.
Study of language is called semantics,In the same way study of plants is called Botany.
III. Sex relationship:
EX.1: Dog : Bitch :: Boar : ......The above order is based on male female relationship.Similarly in the blank space sow will come.
EX.2: Uncle : Aunty :: Administrator :.........
In The said above,Administrix will come in the blank space.
IV.Association Relationship:
EX.1: Time : Clock :: Date : ......Here clock shows time.
Similarly Date are shown by Calender.
EX.2: Distance : Meter :: Liquid : .....
Here distance can be measured in terms of meters.
Similarly liquid can be measured in terms of Liters.
V.Synonyms Relationship :
Ex.1: Abandon : Cease :: Brutal : .....Synonum for abandon is cease.
Similarly for Brutal is Savage.
VI.Antonym Relationship:
EX.1: Create : Destroy :: ..... : LoveAntonym for destroy is create.
Similarly antonym for Love is Hate.
EX.2: Joy : Gloom :: .......: Strict
Antonym for Gloom is Joy.
Similarly antonym for Strict is Lenient.
VII. Word and intensify.
EX.1: Error : Blunder :: Moist :......Here Blunder is of higher intensity than Error.
Similarly Drench is of higher intensity than moist.
EX.2: Refuse : Deny :: Busy : .....
Deny is of higher intensity than Refuse.
Similarly Hasty is of higher intensity than busy.
VIII. Sound and animal relationship:
EX.1: Grunt : Camel :: Trumpet : ....A Camel makes the sound which is called Grunt.
Similarly an Elephant makes the sound called Trumpet.
Ex.2: Roar : Lion :: Yelp : .....
A lion makes the sound which is called Roar.
Similarly a Fox makes the sound called Yelp.
IX. Instrument and measurestion relationship:
Ex.1: Viscometer : Viscosity :: Calorimeter : .....Viscosity is measured by the instrument viscometer.
Similarly Heat is measured by the instrument Calorimeter.
X. Quantity and units of measurements:
EX.1: Temperature : Degree :: Luminosity : .....Degree is the unit of measurement of temperature.
Similarly, Candela is the unit of measurement of Luminosity.
XI. Tool and object relationship:
EX.1:Needle : Sew :: Chisel : .....Needle is used to Sew clothes.
Similarly Chisel is used to Carve Wood.
XII. Worker and place of work:
Ex.1: Farmer : field :: ..... : Shop.A farmer works in feild.
Similarly a Grocer works in shop.
EX.2: Mechanic : Garrage :: ....... : Parlour
A mechanic works in a garrage.
Similarly a Beauticain works in a Parlour.
XIII. Worker and tool relationship:
Ex.1: Warrior : Sword :: Tailor : ....Warrior fights with sword in the battle field.
Similarly tailor works with Needle in tailoring clothes.
EX.2: Farmer : Plough :: Doctor : .....
Farmer takes help of Plough for cultivation.
Similarly Doctor takes help of Stethoscope for diagnosis.
XIV.Product and raw material:
EX.1: Rubber : Latex :: .....: Yarn.Rubber is made of Latex.
Similarly Fabric is made of Yarn.
Ex.2: Butter : Milk :: ..... : Ore.
Butter is extracted from milk.
Similarly Iron is extracted from Ore
XV. Worker and product relationship.
EX.1: Cobble : Leather :: Teacher : ....A cobble is cancer with leather works.
Similarly teacher with Education.
Ex.2: Carpenter : Furniture :: Blacksmith : .....
A Carpenter's work is related to furniture.
Similarly blacksmith work is related to Iron.
Type II
In this type of questions one model pair of words is given. This will be followed by four choices. from the given choices we have to select the one pair which has the same relation as the one in the model pair.
In Dealing with an analogy question, the following rules should be observed.1. Analyse the relationship between the question pair.
2. Look for the pair of words (among the choices) with a similar relationship.
3. If more than one pair of words seem to fit, re-examine the relation in the question pair.
4. Eliminate answers that do not appear to be the best.
5. Parts of speech must be the same in the related words/Phrases.
I. Antonym relationship:
EX: Exempt : Obliged1. Affluent : Fluent 2. Immune : Susceptible 3. Valiant : Mighty 4. Steadfast : Reputed
Exempt means free from obligation or liability.
Oblige means opposite.
Similarly, Immune means Protected from and Susceptible means the opposite.
Answer: (2)
II. Synonym relationship:
Ex: Encumber : Burden1. Work load : weariness
2. Behead : Sum up
3. Recapitulate : Synopsize
4. Reconcile : Alienate
Encumber and burden are synonyms.
Similary, recapitulate is a synonym for synopsize.
Answer: (3)
III. Cause and Effect relationship:
Ex: Embroil : Strife1. Counteract : Performance
2. Infiltrate : Cull
3. Indemnify : Reduction
4. Arbitrate : Settlement
As embroil results in strife. Similarly orbitration result in settlement.
Answer: (4)
IV. Worker and Article relationship:
Ex: Editor : News paper1. Table : Carpenter
2. Journal : Journalist
3. Author : Novel
4. Blacksmith : Furnace.
As a editor edits and creates a Newspaper.
Similarly an Author writes a novel.
In the choices (1) and (2) the relationship is correct but the sequence doesn't match that of the word pair given in the question.
Answer: (3)
V. Worker and Tool Relationship:
Ex: Surgeon : Forceps1. Refugee : Asylum
2. Buoy : channel
3. Caucasian : Saxon
4. Blacksmith : Hammer
A surgeon uses a forceps Similarly a blacksmith uses a hammer
Answer: (4)
VI. Tool and object Relationship:
EX: Scissors : cloth1. Pen : Ink
2. Furnace : Smoke
3. Amulet : Evil
4. Razor : Hair
A pair of scissors is used to cut cloth. similarly A razor is used to cur hair.
Answer: (4)
VII. Classification Relationship:
EX: Cow : Mammal1. Buffalo : Cattle
2. Beef : Mutton
3. Sheep : Wool
4. Snake : Reptile
A cow is classified as a mammal and a snake as a reptile
Answer: (4)
VIII. Functional Relationship
EX: Judge : Hearings1. Jury : court
2. Lawyer : evidence
3. Jurisprudence : advocate
4. Senator : legislations
As a jude participates in court hearings.
Similarly Senator legislates.
Answer: (4).
IX. Sequential relationship:
Ex: Summer : Winter1. Monday : Saturday
2. Monday : Tuesday
3. Sunday : Holiday
4. Spring : Summer
As summer proceeds winter. Similarly monday proceeds Tuesday.
Answer: (2)
X. Association Relationship.
EX: Assistant : Files1. Fever : Temperature
2. Constitution : Code
3. Revival : Time
4. Farmer : Tractor
Assistant has the same association with files.
Similarly farmer has with tractor.
Answer: (4)
XI. Age Relationship:
Ex: Lion : Cub1. Rooster : chicken
2. Fox : Vixen
3. Daisy : Rose
4. Human : Child
Cub is a young lion, a child is a young human.
Answer: (4)
XII. Sex Relationship:
EX:1. Women : lady2. Boy : Girl
3. Stallion : Horse
4. Buffalow : Cow
Here the relation is Female and male. The order is important.
Answer: (4)
XIII. Characterization Relationship:
Ex: Host : Hospitable1. Artist : Imitative
2. Guest : rude
3. Humanitarian : Altruistic
4. Idealist : Cynical
As a host is supposed to be hospitable. In the same way, a humanitarian is expected to be altruistic.
Answer: (3)
Type III
In this type of questions there will be four groups in which one will be missing. The principle of analogy is the relation between first and second will be exactly similar to the relation between the third and fourth.
Ex.1: ZXU:ACE ::?:GIK
1. RTQ 2. TRO 3. TRP 4. OQT
Solution: Here the first two letters are corresponding letters when alphabets are written A to Z and Z to the first two letters of the answer will be TR. Third Letter is one letter to the right of the corresponding letter. So the third letter in the answer is O. so answer is 'TRO'
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