Thursday, 17 April 2014

Course of Action


Course of Action


In this category of questions, a statement delineating a problem is given followed by certain other statements,which could be solutions to the problem identified in the main statement.Out of these,the student has to identify those statement which are practical and feasible solutions to the problem and pick them as possible courses of action to be followed.



A formal account of facts,views,problems or solutions expressed in words.

Course of Action:

A practical and feasible action,administrative or otherwise,which solves a problem or alleviates a given condition or improves the situation.

These questions require:
(1) A clear and unbiased understanding of the given statement.
(2)Identification of the problem  within the statement.

Only when these two things are done will the student be in a position to actually think of a possible solution to the problem and with this idea in mind he will pick up a choice that matches it.

Technique to answer the question:


We accept a course of action,
(I) if it solves the problem contained,in the statement.
(II) if it is practical.

Effectiveness of a course of action:

A suggested course of action can be accepted if it is an accepted fact or an indication from past experience or a logical measure.Let us discuss each of these in detail.

(a) If the suggested course of action is an established face.

Here,we have to make use of common knowledge of worldly realities and facts.
Let us understand this with the following example:


Water-borne diseases are rampant.
Course of action:
Drink boiled water.


It is established fact that boiled water product against water-borne diseases.As drinking boiled water is a measure to prevent health hazards this is an apt course of action.

(b) If the suggested course of action is an indication based on past experiences.

Here the suggested course of action is an aftermath of happened in the past-again concerning our awareness regarding various activities.  
For example:


Despite several laws,child labour is continuing unabated,'A survey report in 2003.

Course of action:

Pass another law to curtail child labour.


From the statement, it is evident that we already have laws to curtail child labour.our experience indicates that failure in enforcement of laws and ignorance of the people are the reasons for persistence of this social problem.Hence, basing on our past experience such a course of action is not a valid one.

(c) If the suggested course of action logically follows:

In certain cases,it is logical that leads to a decision,as shown in the following example.


Mr.X wants to buy a car owned by Mr.Y

Course of action:

Mr.X buy a car inspected by an experienced mechanic before making the deal.


Mr.X is purchasing a car from Mr.Y.  It implies that he is buying a second hand car,one should know the condition of the car,which can be best verification by an experienced mechanic only.Thus, the suggestion course of action logically follows the given statement.

Practicality of the suggestion:

certain suggestion may not be practical for implementation,though they may appear logical. Similarly certain suggestion courses of action,though they may solve the problem,can still result in a new problem.Such suggestion should not be accepted .
The suggestion course of action should be properly matched to the magnitude of the given problem. the suggestion should neither be like 'killing a mosquito with a knife' nor killing an elephant with a needle.

It may be suggestion that people should be asked not to shout in order to increase their life expectancy, because shouting leads to noise pollution,which further leads to stress,thus reducing the life expectancy.of course shouting may lead to noise pollution,but it is only a minor component contributing to noise pollution.

let us understand this better with the help of the following example.


Government is unable to eliminate tax evasion.

Course of action:

Abolish all taxes.


Logically,when there is no tax,question of tax evasion does not raise.but leads to new problem.Government will not have any revenue to take up development activity.thus such a suggestion should not be accepted as it leads to a new problem.

Fact-Follow-Up action:

so far we have discussed a "problem-solution"pattern of question.Certain statement merely give facts.The suggestion course of action offers a measure to improve the situation.
We follow the methods discussed above for "Fact-Follow_Up" action kind of questions as well.

initially,we check whether the suggestion course of action would induce improvement in the situation or reduce intensity of the problem. Then we check whether that suggestion is practical or not.

The following points also to be kept in mind while validation the suggested courses of action.

Points to Remember:

A.   A Negative course of action should not be taken action.
B.   The given solution should be practical.
C.   A solution which brings in benefit or solves the problems after an inordinate delay should be avoided.
D.   The course of action should pertain directly to the problem.
E.    The course of action proposed should independently be able to solve a problem and it should not be  contingent to some other to conditions being met.
F.    It should not result in another problem.
Now let us discuss the above points with the help of an example,


'X' area has extremely fertile soil.But the farmers of this area are in distress and in debts,as their crops have been failing for the last 3 years,as a result of inadequate rainfall.some of the farmers have even gone to the extent of committing suicide.

Courses of action:

1.The farmers should be asked to migrate to an area with sufficient rainfall.
2. Water should be brought in tankers from the nearby river to irrigate the farms.
3. A proposal should be submitted to the government to built a dam on the near by river and to construct   irrigation canals to irrigate area 'X'. This would take at least 12 Years for completion.
4. Afforestation should be taken up on top-most priority in the neighboring state.which could improve         rainfall.
5. A channel, liking the river to the area 'X' be built immediately, subject to the clearance from the state and   the central governments as also from environmental agencies.
6. Farmers should sell their lands to clear their debts.
7. Government should impose moratorium on a recovery of loans from farmers and provide assistance to        farmers to grow arid crops.

Let us analyse each of the suggested courses of action one by one.

1. This is not the right course of action as it is a negative approach .(Point A)
2. This could solved the problem.However the idea suggestion is impractical and very costly to implement.(point B)
3. This is measure that to provide a long term solution but its benefits would accrue only after a long delay.Hence its not a feasible solution as the immediate problem is not redressed   (Point C)
4.There is no link to show that afforestation in the neighboring state would improve the rainfall in area X and as such this does not directly redress the problem.(Point D)
5.This process building a channel immediately, which   would connect the river and the area X,which would solve the problem.However, this proposal requires clearance from environmental agencies and two government bodies which generally takes a lot of time. Hence this is not a proper course of action.(Point E)
6.Logical it may appear to be a solution,but the farmers will become landless and this course of action will add more troubles for them.As this suggestion creates a new problem,i.e, it is invalid.(Point F)
7.This is a positive suggestion.moratorium on loan recovery gives time to farmers to stabillise.
Growing arid crops is a logical solution for unirrigated lands.Hence ,it is a valid course of action .

Directions:The typical directions for these questions are as follows:

In each questions below a statement is given following by two conclusions numbered I and have to take the statement to be true .Read both the conclusion and decide which of the two or both follow from the given statement.
mark your answer as
(1) if only conclusion I follow
(2) If only conclusion II follow
(3) If either I or II follows
(4) If neither I or II follows.
(5) If both conclusion I and II follows

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