Statements And Assumptions
In these kind of questions, a statement is given followed by some assumpions.The student is require ta assessthe assumptions and decide which of them is implicit in the given statement.Before we go further,it is imperative
for us to understand the meanings of the terms statements and assumptions
At the simplest level, a statement is a formal account of certain facts,views,problems or situations expressed in words.Assumption:
an idea which is thought to be true,or certain to happen,but is not explicitly proved pr supported by factsImplicit:
Something that is suggested or is to be understood,though it is not plainly expressed.In our day to day affairs,we make a lot of statements as a part of our communication process.As the communication process
evolved over time,brevity became the norm as ststements became smaller and crisper,yet they continued
to carry the same meaning.
In this kind of communication,the speaker/auther leaves certain ideas unsaid,those which he takes for granted,which work as
a link between a statement and a conclusion.These unsaid ideas are on the speaker/author's mind before making a statement.
These unsaid ideas are very much implied in the satement.
To understand the above, let us assume that your friend has applied for a competitive exam.You saw him worked hard,preparing for that exam.It is nature reaction to say that,he is working hard ,he wll be succesfully.Here you are co-relating two different aspects.
'Working hard' and 'succeding'.How you can related these two? Obviously by Assuming that hard work is necessary to attain success.
Normal way of expression:
1)He is working hard
2)He will be successful
Expression intended:
1)He is working hard
2)Those,Who work hard,succeed.(This sentence is taken for granted)
3)He will be successfully
Approach to the question:
The words used in the statement and the formate of the statements given some clue in evaluating the assumption.
1)key Words:
Words like 'all','only','every',etc.,are definitive in nature,Whereas words like 'some',"a few","many",etc., are not.Therefore one should differentiate between statements like "use entire time for studies" and "use some time for studies".The following example would help in interpreting
the key words.
The indian Hockey team is unable to rise to the occasion.the team should be trained by the army.
1.Army training is the best method available to improve the present performance of the indian Hockey team.
2.Army Hockey training is a reasonably good solution to solve the existing problem
3.Army training is the only solution to come out of the present problems that the Indian Hockey team is facing.
4.Army training definetly put indian.Hockey team on the winning track
5.Army training would probably solve the performance based problems in the Indian Hockey team.
In this example only assumptions 2 and 5 are vallid assumptions, beacause assumptions 1,3 and 4 use definitive words such as 'best', 'only' and 'definitely' respectively.
statement 2 and 5 consists of a suggestion to solve the problem.The speaker,definitely,feels that 'Army Training'would help the Hockey team to overcome its performance related problems,
but the statement not give any clue that army training is the best or only or definitely an effective solution to the given problem.
sometimes the statements is in the form of a nptice or appleal or advertisement.In yhis cases,the following are the valid case of notice/appeal/ will have some response.
2.In this case of an officel notice,if what is mentioned there in is implemented,it will have a beneficial effect on the organisation and there is a need to issue it.
3.In this case appeal or public interest notice,the implementation of it will be beneficial to the people and non-implementation may cause harm.
4.In case of an advertisement,what is being highlighted is looked forward to by the people.
5.In case of a public interest notice,it is the duty of the person/authority to issue such a notice.
6.Incase of an appeal,the reason for issuing such an appeal exists.
statement:"join our training institute to become a master in reasoning".An advertisement.
Valid assumptions:
1.At least some people would respond to the advertisement.
2.There are pepole who look forward to become a master in reasoning.
3)Existence/Non-Existence of the subject:
If the speaker is talking about a hypothetical or an unestablished object/idea, he does so with an assumption that such a thing exists.similarly,if its absence is being talked about,it is assumed 'not existing'.Example:
Statement:Marriages are made in heaven.
Valid assumption:
Heaven exists
some statements suggest a cause-and-effect relationship. the conjunction between the clauses are normally 'hence','as','therefore','thus',etc. in all such cases the valid assumption is "this cause leads to this effect".These statement can be of the form,"though cause, yet no effect","because no cause,hence no effect" etc.Example:
Statements:The weather is bad.The match will be cancelled.
Valid assumption:
Matches cannot played in bad weather.
Here the speaker is connecting bad weather and amatch. He assumes that the cause,i.e,bad weather,would lead to the effect,i.e,match being cancelled.
Hence, the underlying assumption is that 'matches cannot be played in bad weather.
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